Guess in which country this photo was taken. Hundreds of photos stand for choice.
Guess to which country this flag belongs to. All countries of the earth are represented.
Test your knowlegde of geography.
This quiz asks you accidentally selected questions from the pool of Photo, Flag and Geography quiz. The ultimative challenge.
Guess the european wild flower species (246 wild flowers species on more than 1200 photos).
Guess the european bird species (365 bird species stand on more than 920 photos).
Answer questions about life and work of Mozart.
Test your knowlegde of (austrian) road signs.
Guess the european butterflies species (220 butterfly species stand on more than 450 photos).
WORKFLOW: Start quiz >>> Perform a new highscore >>> Register/login >>> Save highscore >>> Quiz king/queen Only as a registered user you can save the highscore (Hs). You have to reach at least 30 points and more than 25% of the answers have to be correct. The scores have to be better than those you have made last time. - The quiz is an endless one. To stop it click on Stop Quiz. - ATTENTION: Pressing the BACK button (of the browser) in quiz ends it.
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